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What Fruits can a Parakeet Eat?

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what fruits can parakeet eat

Parakeets originally came from tropical countries, so the majority of their diet is composed of fruits. However, what fruits can a parakeet eat? If you are a proud new owner of a parakeet or budgie, then you most likely want to keep it happy and healthy.

This article will teach you what fruit can budgies eat and the kinds of food you need to avoid. With this basic information in your hands, your little feathered friend will be able to keep you company for many years to come.


What Fruits Can You Feed to a Parakeet?

So, what fruits and vegetables can parakeets eat? Here is a brief list of the kinds of foods you need to feed your avian friend.


Not only are apples safe for parakeets to eat but these are also among their favorite fruits. To feed apples to your parakeet, you will need to slice them into pieces that they can eat comfortably. They should be small enough that they can fit into their mouths as they might choke.

Also, do not feed parakeets apples with the seed still in them. Apple seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which turns into deadly cyanide when it enters any bird’s digestive system.


Unlike apples, bananas pose absolutely no risk for parakeets as they do not contain seeds. However, even a single banana is a bit too big for a single parakeet to eat on its own. It is better to slice maybe one-fourth to one-third of the banana into manageable pieces before feeding it to your parakeet.


parakeet eat coconut

If you can get it, fresh coconut meat is great for parakeets. However, if you can only get them in dried and chip form, it is fine. Not only is coconut tasty but it also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which is beneficial for the health of small birds.


parakeet eat grapes

Parakeets also enjoy eating grapes. This fruit is rich in Vitamin K and copper, both of which are important for the health of parakeets and budgies. However, you need to make sure that you take out the seeds, or get the seedless variety for your bird.


Blackberries contain a lot of Vitamin C and they are also the perfect size for small birds like parakeets. Although blackberries have seeds, they are non-toxic to birds and will just pass through their system harmlessly.


Just like blackberries, blueberries are great for your parakeet. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that are good for parakeets. They are also small enough that they do not need prior preparation and their seeds are non-toxic to birds.


parakeet eat oranges

Mandarin oranges, navel oranges, blood oranges, and the like, are other great sources of Vitamin C, which helps keep your parakeets healthy. You will need to peel and break the wedges into pieces small enough that your parakeet can eat them easily. However, just like with apples, make sure that you remove the seeds as they can be toxic to birds.


parakeet eat pineapples

Pineapples also contain a lot of Vitamin C and a variety of B-vitamins. It will take a bit of effort to prepare a pineapple. You have to remove the spiky leaves and then peel off the tough skin. This is necessary since the skin is too tough for a small bird such as a parakeet.

Can you feed canned pineapples to parakeets? It is inadvisable as they contain quite a lot of preservatives and have too much sugar.


parakeet eat watermelon

Watermelons also contain a lot of Vitamin C. They are also rich in lycopene, which can greatly improve the immune system. However, you need to remove all the seeds beforehand. The seeds are non-toxic to birds but they might choke on them. On the other hand, you and your bird could just share a seedless watermelon.

Parakeets can eat almost all kinds of fruits, except avocado and a handful of others. This means whatever fruits you have in your fridge you can share with your parakeet.

What Foods Should You Avoid Feeding to Your Parakeet?

what fruits and vegetables can parakeets eat

Just as important as knowing what fruits and vegetables can parakeets eat, there are also lots of things that you should avoid feeding your pet. Among these foods are the following:


Although avocados are great for human health, they are harmful to the hearts of little birds like the parakeet. Avocados contain a compound called persin, making the hearts of parakeets work at full tilt all the time. This can be extremely taxing for little birds and can also cause respiratory ailments.


Most animals, your parakeet included, have no business eating chocolate. Feeding your parakeet chocolate is like you drinking a gallon of espresso.

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which increases the heart rate of birds to an unhealthy level. It also causes nausea and vomiting. Your parakeet’s heart is already pumping seven times faster than yours and it can be quite dangerous if it gets even faster.


Although bread is not toxic for birds, it does contain a lot of empty calories. Bread takes up a lot of room in parakeets’ already small stomachs, so they feel full quicker. However, even though their stomachs are full, bread does not contain nearly enough nutrients.

The more bread your parakeet eats, the more it becomes nutrient-deficient. This means that your parakeet will be more prone to illnesses. In addition, bread makes birds feel bloated.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Food Should You Feed Your Parakeet?

A parakeet’s stomach is quite small, so you should only feed it ½ to 1 teaspoon of any kind of food at a time. Also, you should not feed your parakeet more than 2 to 3 times a day.

What Other Foods Should Parakeets Eat?

Aside from fruits, you should also feed your parakeet with grains and seeds. This will provide them with enough energy to function properly and give them fiber for better digestive health. You should also give your parakeet some protein, like mealworms every day.


What fruits can a parakeet eat? You can essentially feed your parakeet with any kind of fruit that you would eat yourself. However, they do need a bit of preparation to make it easier for the little birds to eat.

However, even though parakeets eat a lot of different fruits, you should also feed them vegetables and proteins, so they will have complete nutrition. This will ensure that your little feathered friend can keep you company for as long as possible.

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