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Yellow Tit Bird: Facts, Song, & Diet (The Definitive Guide)

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Also known as the “Taiwan yellow tit” and the “Formosan yellow tit,” the yellow tit is a songbird native to Taiwan.

An adorable Yellow Tit on a ground covered with fallen leaves.

Their song consists of many short high-pitched nasal sounds. Males tend to vocalize more than females.

Yellow tit birds mainly feed on worms, spiders, and small insects. They will also eat seeds, berries, and nuts.

You can identify these birds by their dark blue heads, wings, and tails, as well as their bright yellow chests and faces.


Quick Facts

Scientific Name: Machlolophus holstiLength: 5.1″ 13 cm
Other Names: Taiwan yellow tit, Formosan yellow titWingspan: 8.6″ 22 cm
Family: ParidaeWeight: Between 0.5 and 0.8 ounces
Conservation Status: Green 

Yellow Tit Bird Appearance

The yellow tit bird has a unique appearance that is hard to mistake for any other bird. They have deep blue feathers on their heads, wings, backs, and tails. Their stomachs, faces, and chests are bright yellow, which is where they get their name.

Yellow tit birds also have crests of feathers on top of their heads. Their feet and beaks are light blue, and there may be small patches of white in their feathers.

When it comes to size, the yellow tit bird is fairly average for a member of the Paridae family. It’s usually no more than thirteen centimeters long, which is the same size as the common great tit.

Yellow Tit vs. Indian Yellow Tit

Many people mistakenly refer to the “yellow tit” as the “Indian yellow tit.” However, there are a few key differences between these two birds.

The yellow tit lives exclusively in Taiwan, while the Indian yellow tit lives in the Indian subcontinent. The yellow tit generally resides in temperate forests, while the Indian yellow tit lives in tropical forests.

These two birds are quite different in appearance, too. The yellow tit is a vibrant shade of blue and yellow, while the Indian yellow tit is mainly blue and black with a cream-colored chest. They also have different songs. The song of the Indian yellow tit consists of a chi-chi-chi, while the Taiwan yellow tit has a seesawing chicka-chicka.

The yellow tit and Indian yellow tit have a few traits in common, however. They’re both in the Paridae family, for instance. They also both have dark blue feathers and are usually around 13 centimeters long.

To avoid confusing it with the yellow tit, many people will call the Indian yellow tit by other names such as the “Indian black-lored tit” or simply the “Indian tit.”

Yellow Tit Lifespan

An adorable Yellow Tit standing on a rock covered by moss.

The yellow tit can live for up to three years, which is fairly typical for members of the tit family. Yellow tit birds reach maturity around one year old, but they begin flying at around three weeks.

How Do Yellow Tit Birds Breed?

Mating season for yellow tit birds begins in early spring. When a female finds a male, they will assemble a nest. The male will fertilize the female’s eggs, which she later lays in the nest. A yellow tit bird usually lays no more than three eggs.

The female will need to incubate the eggs for up to two weeks. After that, the eggs will hatch into baby yellow tits, also known as fledglings.

Are Yellow Tits Endangered?

As of 2022, the yellow tit bird is not an endangered species. But according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, it is near-threatened, which means it could become endangered soon.

The wild bird trade and damage to habitats both negatively impact the yellow tit bird population. If these practices continue or worsen, the yellow tit bird may soon be threatened or endangered.

Yellow Tit Migration Habits

The yellow tit bird is not a migratory species. The main reason for this is because of Taiwan’s warm climate. This small island country does not get very cold during the wintertime. As a result, yellow tit birds can easily find food and shelter in the mountainous forests of Taiwan year-round.

What Does a Yellow Tit Call Sound Like?

An adorable Yellow Tit sitting on a tree branch.

If you’re a birdwatcher hoping to see some yellow tit birds, it may be helpful to recognize their unique call.

The yellow tit has a high-pitched nasal song that sounds a bit like chicka-chicka. It’s repetitive, seesaw-like, and a bit melodic as well. If you need a better idea of what a yellow tit bird’s song sounds like, consider listening to some recordings online.

Male yellow tit birds will frequently use their songs to attract mates. If you want a better chance of hearing the yellow tit bird’s song, you should search for it during their mating season, which is early spring.

What Do Yellow Tits Eat?

Yellow tits are omnivorous, which means they eat plants as well as other smaller animals.

A few staples of the yellow tit bird’s diet include:

  • Worms
  • Spiders
  • Flies
  • Caterpillars
  • Berries, especially mulberries or raspberries
  • Nuts and peanuts
  • Seeds, especially sunflower seeds

Yellow tit birds will typically rely mainly on worms, spiders, and insects for nutrition. Berries, nuts, and seeds are only a small part of the yellow tit bird’s diet.

Where To See Yellow Tit Birds

Yellow tit birds only live in Taiwan. They typically reside in warm forest regions of this country, usually near mountains. They don’t normally live in urban areas, so if you’re a birdwatcher hoping to spot some yellow tit birds, you may need to venture out into the wilderness.

Ways To Attract Yellow Tit Birds to Your Home

Do you want to attract yellow tit birds to your home? Here are a few tips:

  • Set up a birdfeeder in your yard. Yellow tits are fond of sunflower seeds and peanut butter, so a birdfeeder with both of those could increase your chances of seeing one.
  • Place birdhouses on your property in the spring. This is the time of year when yellow tits begin nesting. If you’re lucky, one of these birds might lay its eggs in a birdhouse near your home!
  • Avoid using insecticide in your yard. Yellow tits thrive on insects, so if you eliminate their food sources, they will be less likely to visit your home.
  • Place a bird bath in your garden. A source of clean water is beneficial for yellow tit birds, especially during the summer.

Yellow Tit Pictures

An adorable Yellow Tit sitting on a tree branch.

Yellow tit birds have very unique appearances. Even if they don’t live in your area, they’re a sight for any bird enthusiast to behold.

Here are a few images of yellow tit birds from around the web.


Yellow tit birds are a unique species of the Paridae family. With their deep blue and vibrant yellow feathers, they easily stand out in a forest of trees. They also have distinct songs that they use to attract mates.

Unfortunately, these birds do not have a very wide range as they live exclusively in Taiwan. So if you live outside this country, you will not see any yellow tit birds in the wild.

However, you can see similar species of tit birds throughout the world. The great tit is common throughout most of Europe, for instance. Additionally, the yellow-cheeked tit has a similar appearance and lives in several countries throughout Southeast Asia.

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